February 18, 2025

Curriculum Vitae

Eric “Rick” M. Mills DVM, PhD, LMSW


2009    Master of Social Work, The University of Iowa School of Social Work
1998    Doctor of Philosophy, Veterinary Informatics, Virginia Tech
1979    DVM, The Ohio State University

1979 – 1983 Associate Small Animal Practitioner
1983 – 2000 Owned and operated two small animal hospitals
1997 – 1999 Instructor Electrical and Computer Engineering
2000 – 2002 Research Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
1998 – 2007 Member of the Biomedical Informatics Research Group
2002 – 2007 Lecturer, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine
2007 – 2009 Enrolled at The University of Iowa School of Social Work
2009 – Present Personal/Business Coach, Software Developer -Applied Learning Platform


DVM Courses
Management Pathways in Veterinary Medicine (VDPAM 409)
Applied Laboratory Medicine (VM8664) Sample collection sessions
Practice Management Elective (VM9104)
People Management Elective (course leader)   (VM8984)

Undergraduate Course:
ECPE 4974 Distributed Information Systems Corporation (course leader)    1997-1999

Past-President of the Association for Veterinary Informatics
National Association of Social Workers
American Veterinary Medical Association

2009    Phi Alpha Honor Society, Social Work
2002    XCaliber Award for Excellence in Teaching with Technology
1996    Merck-AgVet Award for Creativity in Teaching
1995    Phi Zeta Honor Society, Veterinary Medicine

When I was a practicing veterinarian, I saw colleagues struggle more with interpersonal and business issues than with medicine or surgery. It was not until after my social work training in counseling and psychotherapy that I began to understand the underlying causes of these issues, and that people often bring the same character traits, anxieties, defenses, and coping strategies to work that they use at home. Since conflicts in the workplace are inevitable, the only real choice is between reacting with familiar defenses, or responding with understanding. I provide personal coaching to help people identify and understand their past patterns of interacting with others, and with that insight, I help them develop effective ways of restoring, building, and maintaining effective working relationships. In addition to personal coaching, I also provide business consulting to help clients discover and implement new strategies for building and managing their organization.

My passion for building and researching innovative teaching technology began when I was in private practice, and was formalized in 1998 when I earned a PhD in veterinary informatics. The focus of my training was on 1) integrating the efforts of end-users and information technology personnel, 2) the structure of controlled medical vocabularies, and 3) patient information acquisition. Upon graduation I was a founding member of the Biomedical Informatics Research Group (BIRG) at Virginia Tech. BIRG developed the Diagnostic Pathfinder, which was software used to teach veterinary students how to analyze clinical laboratory data.

My most recent work is the development of Case Applied Learning and the Applied Learning Platform. Case Applied Learning uses a “do, think, and learn” approach to building expert thinking skills. The process begins by asking, “What should learners be able to do at the end of their training?” which is then used to identify what thinking skills are required, and then what content needs to be mastered and reinforced through repeated practice. Case Applied Learning can be used in a single course or with a series of courses in which each builds upon the foundational competencies of the earlier courses. https://CaseAppliedLearning.com .

The Applied Learning Platform is used to implement Case Applied Learning. This platform provides a suite of web-based tools used to create and deliver cases scenarios for use in teaching, learning, and practicing evidence-based thinking skills. Educators use this platform to author case scenarios, and to model their own expert thinking to learners in the classroom. Learners then work through similar case scenarios to develop and practice their own thinking skills. The product of these analyzed case scenarios is an outlined assessment that contains a learner’s assertions (conclusions) about a scenario along with the relevant observations and data from the scenario that provide evidence for those assertions. As such, an assessment is an explicit representation of a learner’s understanding of course material along with the demonstrated ability to apply that understanding in an authentic context. Assessments can be brought to class for discussion, or submitted to a course management system prior to class as evidence of pre-class preparation. Case scenarios can also be used in class as a team-based learning exercise.

The Applied Learning Platform is the exact opposite of an expert system in that an expert system provides expertise to its users, whereas the Applied Learning Platform is used by educators to build expertise in its users. The Platform is available at https://WhenKnowingMatters.com.

I have also taught in the business and practice management curriculum at the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine and at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech. While at Virginia Tech, I also coordinated a student-run virtual corporation in which students developed software as part of an interdisciplinary learning experience.

Prior to my academic career, I was a practicing veterinarian for fourteen years with an emphasis in small animal medicine and surgery, and owned and operated two veterinary hospitals in Virginia Beach, Virginia.


JA Danielson, HS Bender, L Booth, D Draper, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer. Teach Project: Team Learning Workshop.  TEACH project of the Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, April 2004, $1,500

JA Danielson, A Fales-Williams, R Myers, EM Mills, S Sorden, HS Bender, CB Andreasen. Problem Solving, Communication, Critical Thinking and Peer Assessment: Integrating Continuous Improvement Planning into the Veterinary Pathology Curriculum. ISU Miller Faculty Fellowship ($25,000, 2003-2004)

JA Danielson, HS Bender, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer. Teach Project: Alverno College Workshop.  TEACH project of the Iowa State University Center for Teaching Excellence, April 2003, $1,000

HS Bender, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer, JA Danielson, M M Christopher, KM Young. DA Smith, JW George, PA Pion. Creating and Distributing a Comprehensive On-line Learning System for Diagnostic Reasoning. Department of Education, Learning Anywhere, Anytime Partnership (LAAP)  Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education.  ($1,242,846, October 2001-2004)

EM Mills, HS Bender, PJ Vermeer, G. Daniel Boon, B Purswell, M. Reardon, Teaching Food Animal Diagnostic Skills: A Multi-Institutional Web-Based Approach. USDA Higher Ed Challenge Grant ($99,873-September 2001-2003)

HS Bender, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer. Dr. Tracy Wilkins Gift to the Biomedical Informatics Research Group. 2001, $25,000

HS Bender, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer, BB Lockee, GD Boon, JK Burton, JA Danielson Provost’s Bridge Funding to Support the Development of the Biomedical Informatics Research Group, 2000, $94,375

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills, GD Boon, JK Burton, GA Holmes, JA Danielson and DS Hix, Becoming an Expert: Developing Food Animal Veterinary Clinical Diagnostic Skills. USDA Higher Education Challenge Grant 1999-2001 $88,248

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills, DS Hix, GD Boon, JA Danielson. Breaking Through Cognitive Barriers Using Technology.  1999 CIL, Virginia Tech $27,000

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills, DS Hix. Continuing Education for Veterinary Practitioners Using the World Wide Web ReachOUT Grant,1999 Virginia Tech $7,500

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills. Using Educational Technologies to Promote Active-Learning and Development of Skills in Clinical Problem-Solving and the Diagnostic Process. CIL, 1999 (continuation).  $9,460

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills, SD Forrester. Reaching Out to Veterinary Practitioners through Diagnostic Pathology Imaging: A Program for Continuing Education, ReachOUT Grant,1998  $7,500

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills Using Educational Technologies to Promote Active-Learning and Development of Skills in Clinical Problem-Solving and the Diagnostic Process. Center for Innovation in Learning (CIL), 1998.  $74,000

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills, DS Hix An Interdisciplinary Partnership in Biomedical Informatics.  ASPIRES, 1998. $90,470

HS Bender, BB Lockee, EM Mills, DS Hix An Interdisciplinary Partnership in Biomedical Informatics.  Eli Lilly Company, 1998.  $5,000

HS Bender, J Burton, WR Chickering, EM Mills Development of Deductive Reasoning Skills Using Interactive, Multimedia Programs in Veterinary Clinical Pathology.  Center for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (CEUT) Teaching-Learning Grant; 1996, $7,500

HS Bender, J Burton, WR Chickering, EM Mills Development of Deductive Reasoning Skills Using Interactive, Multimedia Programs in Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Grant chosen for the Merck-AgVet Award for Creativity in Teaching-1996. $1,000

Smith BJ, Holladay SD, Mills EM, Klein BG, Jones, J. A computerized teaching aid for instruction in transverse-sectional anatomy of the sheep brain. Computer Alternatives to Animal Use Fund, 1996 $5,675

HS Bender, WR Chickering, J Burton, EM Mills. Case-Based, Interactive, Multimedia Programs for Teaching Clinical Pathology Using Naturally Occurring Diseases in Hospital Patients. Computer Alternatives to Animal Use Fund. 1996 $4,933

Jones JC, Moon ML, Holladay SD, Smith BJ, Mills EM.  A workstation providing access to computed tomographic images in a cross-platform, internet-transferable format.  1996 $113,000

Holladay SD*, Mills EM, Jones JC, Smith BJ, Moon ML.  A  computer-based teaching aid for instruction in canine transverse-sectional anatomy and computed tomography. CEUT Teaching-learning grant. 1995; $4,180


Journal articles (Refereed)

Danielson JA, Fales-Williams AJ, Sorden SD, Myers RK, Bender HS, Mills EM. Peer Assessment of a Senior Year Capstone Experience for Formative Evaluation of a Pathology Curriculum (Accepted pending revisions)  Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. VME

Danielson J.A., Mills, E.M, Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A., Young, K.M., Christopher, M.M., George, J.W., Wood, D.R. and Bender, H.S. (2007). Characteristics of a Cognitive Tool that Helps Students Learn Diagnostic Problem Solving. Educational Technology Research and Development 55, 499-520. VME

Danielson, J. A., Bender, H.S., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A. (submitted for publication). Helping Learners Gain Diagnostic Problem Solving Skills: Specific Aspects of the Diagnostic Pathfinder Software Tied to Learning Outcomes. In Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology [AECT] (25th, Chicago, IL, October 19-23, 2004).

JA Danielson, HS Bender, PJ Vermeer, EM Mills, BB Lockee.  A Tool for Helping Veterinary Students Learn Diagnostic Problem Solving” Educational Technology Research and Development, 51(3), 63-81, 2003

HS Bender, BB Lockee, JA Danielson, E M Mills, GD Boon, JK Burton, PJ Vermeer, KL Zimmerman, KM Hilmer. Mechanism-Based Diagnostic Reasoning: Thoughts on Teaching Introductory Clinical Pathology. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 29(3) 77-83, 2000.

Book Chapters

Danielson, JA, Mills, EM, Vermeer, PJ, and Bender, HS (anticipated 2008). The Diagnostic Pathfinder: Ten years of using technology to teach diagnostic problem solving In F. Columbus (Ed.), Educational Technology Research Advances: Nova Science Publishers. VME

Danielson J.A., Mills, E.M, Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A., Young, K.M., Christopher, M.M., George, J.W., Wood, D.R. and Bender, H.S. (2007). Characteristics of a Cognitive Tool that Helps Students Learn Diagnostic Problem Solving. Educational Technology Research and Development 55, 499-520.


Bender, H.S., Young, K. M., Danielson, J. A., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Development and Implementation of the Diagnostic Pathfinder, A Mind Tool Used to Teach Clinical Pathology. Association of American Medical Colleges Central Group on Educational Affairs 2005 Spring Conference Program. University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin, April 8, 2005.

Bender, H.S., Young, K. M., Danielson, J. A., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Development and Implementation of the Diagnostic Pathfinder, A Mind Tool Used to Teach Clinical Pathology. Conference Proceedings of the Association of American Medical Colleges Central Group on Educational Affairs. University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin, April 8, 2005.

HS Bender, KM Young, JW George, MM Christopher, JA Danielson, PJ Vermeer, EM Mills, RD Wood, PD Pion, VA Preast, CB Andreasen.  Implementation of the Diagnostic Pathfinder, an Internet-Based Tool to Teach Clinical Pathology in Diverse Educational Settings. Conference Proceedings of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology 346-359, 2003

HS Bender, PJ Vermeer, GD Boon, ER Mills, JA Danielson, BB Lockee, J Burton, G Sherman, D Hix. Mechanism-Based Diagnosis: Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Tool to Enhance Diagnostic Reasoning. Proceedings-American Association Clinical Chemistry: DACC Spring 2000 Symposium


George, J.W., J. A. Danielson, P. Pion, E. M Mills, P. J. Vermeer, and H. S. Bender. Pilot study of internet based continuing education on laboratory data interpretation using the veterinary information networks online classroom and the diagnostic pathfinder. Vet Pathol 42:702, 2005 (abstract #89)

J.A. Danielson, E.M. Mills, P.A. Vermeer, V.A. Preast, K.M. Young,  M. Christopher, J. George, D. Wood, and H.S. Bender. Learning Benefits Tied to Specific Characteristics of the Diagnostic Pathfinder Software.  Veterinary Pathology vol 41, no. 5, Abstract #65, 2004

J.A. Danielson, A.J. Fales-Williams, R.K. Myers, S.D.  Sorden, H.S. Bender, and E.M. Mills. Student Response to a Case Report Based Peer Assessment Assignment. Veterinary Pathology vol 41 Abstract # 68, 2004

A Fales-Williams, J Danielson, R Meyers, E Mills, S Sorden, H Bender, C Andreasen Multiple uses of a Senior Year Assignment by Assessment of the Pathology Curriculum.  Veterinary Pathology vol 40, no. 5, abstract #25, pg. 599, 2003.

Danielson, H. Bender, P. Vermeer, E. Mills. Enhancing Problem Solving Skills for Clinical Pathology Students. Veterinary Pathology Abs 139 vol 39, no. 5, abstract #139, pg. 647, 2002.

HS Bender, JA Danielson, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer, and DS Hix. A Formalized Process for Developing Successful User Interfaces for the Problem List Generator.  Veterinary Pathology vol 38, no. 5, abstract #6, pg.571, 2001.

JA Danielson, JK Burton, HS Bender, BB Lockee, GD Boon, EM Mills, “The formative evaluation of a Web-based instructional tool for helping clinical pathology students learn to classify and synthesize clinical laboratory data.” Veterinary Pathology vol 36, no. 5, abstract #50, p.493, 1999.

MR Prater, BB Lockee, EM Mills and HS Bender, “Reaching Out to Veterinary Practitioners Through Diagnostic Pathology Imaging: A Program for Clinical Service and Continuing Education.” Veterinary Pathology, Vol 35, No. 5, Abstract 59, pp 430 1998.

JA Danielson, BB Lockee, D. Hix, EM Mills and HS Bender,  “A Computer-based Tool for Clinical Pathology Students to Accurately Classify and Synthesize Lab Data.” Veterinary Pathology, vol 35, no. 5, abstract #57, pp. 430, 1998.

JC Jones, ML moon, SD Holladay, BJ Smith, EM Mills. (1997)  A Workstation Providing Access to CT Images in a Cross-Platformed, Internet-Transferable Format.  Abstract of American College of Veterinary Radiology

Talbot RB and Mills EM. SNOMED International for veterinary medicine. JAVMA  205:1445-1446, 1994.

Veterinary Microglossary of SNOMED International  1995 Mills EM.


Mills, E (2016) The Applied Learning Platform: Bringing Thought into View. Iowa Physiology Society, Des Moines University, Iowa, October 29, 2016

Bender, H.S., Danielson, J. A.,  Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A. (2004). The Diagnostic Pathfinder: How it works and Year 4 evaluation data. FIPSE Project Directors’ National Meeting, Washington D.C., November 4, 2004

JA Danielson, HS Bender, RM Mills and PJ Vermeer. Creating and Distributing a Comprehensive On-line Learning System for Diagnostic Reasoning: Preliminary Report2003 FIPSE Project Directors’ National Meeting, Marriott Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado. Thursday, December 4, 2003

Danielson, H. Bender, P. Vermeer, E. Mills, V. Preast, K. Young, M. Christopher, J. George, P Pion. The Diagnostic Pathfinder, What it is, How it Works; Evaluation Results; Partnership and Pilot Implementation. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Fairmont Hotel and Conference Center, New Orleans, LA, December 6-10, 2002.

Danielson, H. Bender, P. Vermeer, E. Mills, V. Preast, K. Young, M. Christopher, J. George, P Pion. The Diagnostic Pathfinder, What it is, How it Works; Evaluation Results; Partnership and Pilot Implementation. 30th Anniversary Project Director’s Meeting.  Fund for the Improvement of Higher Education, US Department of Education, Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington DC November 22-24, 2002.

An interactive CT atlas of the canine brain.  Woods A, Jones J, Holladay S, Kline B, Mills E, Inzana K, Chadwick L August 3, 2000 Sponsor: Minorities Academic

Opportunities Program, Poster Session, Blacksburg, VA


J.A. Danielson, P.J. Vermeer, E.M. Mills & H.S. Bender (2007). Teaching diagnostic problem solving: Principles learned from studies of the diagnostic pathfinder. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 2007 (A.S. Leaflet R2177). Retrieved November 7, 2007 from https://www.ans.iastate.edu/report/air/2007pdf/R2177.pdf VME


Mills, E. M. Identifying Concepts in Free-text. Work in Progress Series Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine August, 2006

Mills, E. M. Developing a Site-Specific Microglossary. Work in Progress Series Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine November, 2006

George, J.W., J. A. Danielson, P. Pion, E. M Mills, P. J. Vermeer, and H. S. Bender. Pilot study of internet based continuing education on laboratory data interpretation using the veterinary information networks online classroom and the diagnostic pathfinder. Education Session of the National Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. Boston, MA, Dec, 2005

Danielson, J., Mills, E., Vermeer, P., Preast, V. and Bender, H. Problem Solving Research with the Diagnostic Pathfinder to Date. Dept. Work in Progress seminar. Vet Pathology Conference Room, Nov 30, 2005
Preast, V., Danielson, J., Vermeer, P., Mills, E., and Bender, H. Assessment results Blood Smear Tutorial. Dept. Work in Progress seminar. Vet Pathology Conference Room, June 15, 2005

Bender, HS Danielson, J. A., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J -Supporting a Broad Impact on
Veterinary Education with the Diagnostic Pathfinder: A Software Tool that Helps to Teach Problem Solving. Fort Dodge Animal Health (FDAH) Research Day ISU CVM June 2.

Vermeer, P., Bender, H, Danielson, J., and Mills, E.  Using the  Case Editor to Develop Cases for the Diagnostic Pathfinder. Dept. Work in Progress seminar. Vet Pathology Conference Room, April 13, 2005

Bender, H.S., Young, K. M., Danielson, J. A., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Development and Implementation of the Diagnostic Pathfinder, A Mind Tool Used to Teach Clinical Pathology. Association of American Medical Colleges Central Group on Educational Affairs 2005 Spring Conference Program. University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin, April 8, 2005.
Danielson, J.A., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A., Young, K.M., Christopher, M. George, J., Wood, D., Bender, H.S. Learning Benefits Tied to Specific Characteristics of the Diagnostic Pathfinder Software. Education Session of the National Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. Orlando, Florida, November 16, 2004

Danielson, J.A., Fales-Williams, A.J., Myers, R.K., Sorden, S.D., Bender, H.S., and Mills, E.M. Student Response to a Case-Report Based Peer Assessment Assignment. Education Session of the National Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. Orlando, Florida, November 16, 2004

Bender, H.S., Danielson, J. A.,  Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A. (2004). The Diagnostic Pathfinder: How it works and Year 4 evaluation data. FIPSE Project Directors’ National Meeting, Washington D.C., November 4, 2004

Danielson, J. A., Bender, H.S., Mills, E.M., Vermeer, P.J., Preast, V.A. (2004). Helping Learners Gain Diagnostic Problem Solving Skills. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Chicago, IL, October 21, 2004

JA Danielson, HS Bender, RM Mills and PJ Vermeer. Creating and Distributing a Comprehensive On-line Learning System for Diagnostic Reasoning: Preliminary Report 2003 FIPSE Project Directors’ National Meeting, Marriott Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado. Thursday, December 4, 2003

JA Danielson, HS Bender, RM Mills and PJ Vermeer. Using the Diagnostic Pathfinder Software to Learn Diagnostic Problem Solving. 2003 FIPSE Project Directors’ National Meeting, Marriott Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado. Wednesday, December 3, 2003

JA Danielson, HS Bender, RM Mills and PJ Vermeer. Making the Evaluation Process Work for Your Project:Advice for Project Directors.  2003 FIPSE Project Directors’ National Meeting, Marriott Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado. Wednesday, December 3, 2003

HS Bender, KM Young, MM Christopher, RD Wood, JA Danielson and EM Mills. Implementation of the Diagnostic Pathfinder, an Internet-based Tool to Teach Clinical Pathology in Diverse Educational Settings. Education Session of the National Meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.  November 18, 2003 in the D.C. Coleman Room at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Banff Alberta Canada

Danielson, H. Bender, P. Vermeer, E. Mills, V. Preast, K. Young, M. Christopher, J. George, P Pion. The Diagnostic Pathfinder, What it is, How it Works; Evaluation Results; Partnership and Pilot Implementation. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Fairmont Hotel and Conference Center, New Orleans, LA, December 6-10, 2002.

Danielson, H. Bender, P. Vermeer, E. Mills, V. Preast, K. Young, M. Christopher, J. George, P Pion. The Diagnostic Pathfinder, What it is, How it Works; Evaluation Results; Partnership and Pilot Implementation. 30th Anniversary Project Director’s Meeting.  Fund for the Improvement of Higher Education, US Department of Education, Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington DC November 22-24, 2002.

HS Bender, BF Richards, JA Danielson, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer.  High Tech and Low Tech Pedagogies in Medicine and the Health Sciences.  30th Anniversary Project Director’s Meeting.  Fund for the Improvement of Higher Education, US Department of Education, Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington DC November 23, 2002.

HS Bender, JA Danielson, EM Mills, PJ Vermeer, and DS Hix. A Formalized Process for Developing Successful User Interfaces for the Problem List Generator. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Grand America Hotel and Conference Center, Salt Lake City Utah, December 5, 2001

Danielson, J. A., Burton, J.K., Bender, H. S., Lockee, Boon, G. D., Mills, E. M.  (2000). The Design, Development, and Evaluation of the Problem List Generator: A web-based tool for helping veterinary students learn to classify and synthesize clinical laboratory data.  Presented at the Annual Meeting of The Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Long Beach, CA

Danielson, J.A., Lockee, B.B., Burton, J.K., Mills, E.M., Boon, G.D., and Bender, H.S. (1999). The formative evaluation of a web-based instructional tool for helping clinical pathology students learn to classify and synthesize clinical laboratory data.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, Chicago, IL.

Danielson, J. A., Bender, H. S., Lockee, B. B., Burton, J.K., Mills, E. M., Boon, G. D. (1999). Evaluation of a Computer-Based Tool for Helping Clinical Pathology Students Learn how to Accurately Classify and Synthesize Lab Data.  Presented at the 11th Annual Research Symposium of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Blacksburg, VA.

Danielson, J. A.; Lockee, B.; Hix, D.; Mills, E.; Bender, H. (1998).  A computer-based tool for helping veterinary students learn to classify clinical laboratory data.  Presentation at the annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, St. Louis MO.



Mills, E Teaching Keynote Presentation. Learning is the Last Thing We Do. Iowa Physiology Society. Des Moines University Oct 29, 2017

Mills, E The Applied Learning Platform: Creating Case Scenarios that Bring Thought into View. Presentation for the Des Moines University Faculty Research Seminar Series. Des Moines University. Oct 21, 2016

Danielson, J., Preast, V., Vermeer, P., Mills, E., and Bender, H. Biomedical Informatics: In-house tool development for skill building and problem solving. Presentation for the e2 (Emerging Educational Technology Event) Seminar Series. ISU Parks Library, Room 31. Oct 25, 2005

Danielson, J.A, Fales-Williams, A.J., Myers, R.K., Sorden, S.D., Bender, H.S., Mills, E.M., Andreasen, C.B. Report of Miller Findings. Miller Showcase Walkaround Session. Jan 19, 2005

Danielson, J.A, Fales-Williams, A.J., Myers, R.K., Sorden, S.D., Bender, H.S., Mills, E.M., Andreasen, C.B. Report of Miller Findings. Miller Showcase “Walkaround” Session. Jan 19, 2005

Danielson, J.A, Fales-Williams, A.J., Myers, R.K., Sorden, S.D., Bender, H.S., Mills, E.M., Andreasen, C.B. Report of Miller Findings. I.S.U. Miller Recognition Luncheon, Reiman Gardens. Nov 8, 2004

Danielson, JA, Bender, HS, Mills, EM, Vermeer, PJ. Blood, Urine, and Diagnostic Problem Solving: A computer-based tool for helping veterinary students make sense of it all. Symposium: University of Missouri College of Education. Columbia, MO. Sept 10, 2004

Danielson, J.A.; Fales-Williams, A.; Myers, R.; Mills, E.; Sorden, S.; Bender, H.; Andreasen, C. Assessment Plan for the Department of Veterinary Pathology.  Presentation given for an Iowa State University university-wide assessment workshop. , Ames, IA, Oct 14, 2003

HS Bender, JA Danielson, RM Mills. Diagnostic Pathfinder: An Internet-based Tool that Helps Students Solve Problems. ISU Center for Teaching Excellence Workshop 9/26/03. ISU Memorial Union Cardinal Room.

 Danielson, J.A. Transforming a Clinical Pathology Course: Reports of CIL grant recipients.  Presentation to be given at Virginia Tech’s IT 99 Conference.  (Co-presenters, Bender, H.; Lockee, B.; Hix, D.; Mills, R.), Blacksburg, VA., Mar 23, 1999

Co-development and disclosure of the Problem List Generator (now called the Diagnostic Pathfinder) in July 2000 to the Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties July 2000